A fabulous pair of dangly earrings, a nice brooch, necklaces with colored jewels and funky bangles with attitude can turn around a look instantly at a fraction of the price it costs to buy gold or even a new outfit. In fact, the rise in gold prices has seen a huge surge in people eager to offload their booty in exchange for hard cash. In actual practice, for the price of a gold necklace it is possible to buy a dozen fashion jewelry pieces which gives value for money in more ways than one.
You can expect most pieces to last for many years if cared for properly. Get your quality costume jewelry today, and it will be become a ‘must have’ in the future. Right now, people are snapping up vintage fashion jewelry from the 1980’s. Although this may be stretching the term ‘vintage’ a bit, it does mean that jewelry from today will be someone’s ‘vintage’ find of the future. So treat the pieces you buy today with care. In the future, your grandchildren could be the envy of all their friends.
So what’s up for next year on the accessories front? As we just observed, the past will continue to be a strong influence on the future. It’s where we come from that matters, so vintage and antique pieces will continue to be of high interest. We’ll be eager to update them or create our own special look.
Event while we look to the past for inspiration there will be lots of key modern items to give voice to the times we live in right now. Last year gave us some great futuristic necklaces, industrial pewter cuffs, huge chunky necklaces, lots of colorful flat bead shapes infused with marbling. For next year, you will see these styles developing even further, more inspiration will come from the East where their production capacity knows no limits.
It’s a fact that the recession has to end some time. Many people feel it is already ended and some feel things will get worse. Time will tell, but one thing we know for sure. Fashion jewelry of good quality and modest price will prove to be a fun and practical way to end the blues. As always, human spirit will triumph. Beauty and the passion for fashion will continue to thrive.
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