Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jiang Lai Blog

PRC blogger Jiang Lai has been arrested for threatening to throw acid on the face of a woman who is the wife of a PAP grassroots leader whom she had an affair with, according to reports in the state media.
The police has classified the case as ‘attempted extortion’ and is currently investigating the matter.
The 23 year-old came to Singapore when she was six years old and studied in CHIJ St Nicholas Secondary School and Anglo-Chinese Junior College before going on to study in Reed College in the U.S.
She first shot into prominence two weeks ago with a series of controversial remarks made on her blog, one of which is that ‘only ACS(I) boys are worth dating.’
Her most vitriolic posts, however, were directed at her ex-boyfriend (a Mr Wong) who is apparently working as a teacher in a secondary school.
Ms Jiang had accused Mr Wong of “being homosexual, bisexual, an AIDS carrier and a philanderer” and “of “using (her) as a sperm receptacle” while his wife was pregnant, and “feeding (her) lies that he was waiting for (her)”.
She also claims that Mr Wong was a volunteer at a PAP MP’s Meet-the-People sessions.
In one blog posting, she wrote that “interesting things will happen to Singapore” if the PAP ministers do not seek ‘redress’ for her:
“It was PAP ministers who granted him the power to inflict such damage on me. It should be PAP ministers who look into this urgent matter and seek redress for me. If nothing happens..Well. Interesting things will happen to Singapore in the future. I promise.”
Though the identity of the man is known, the state media deliberately censored his name and involvement with the PAP grassroots.

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